When was the last time you had your air ducts cleaned? Most homeowners don’t usually remember when they last had their air ducts cleaned and some have never cleaned their home’s air ducts. Air duct cleaning usually falls under “out of sight, out of mind” and gets forgotten and neglected. Green Co Carpet Cleaning would like to bring your home air ducts to your attention and share a few signs that it may be time to clean your home’s air duct systems.
How Can You Tell You Need Air Duct Cleaning?
Excessive Dust: Does your home have a lot of dust? Do you clean your home and then it seems within a few hours there is a fresh coat of dust everywhere? Either your home’s doors or windows are poorly insulated, or you need your air ducts cleaned. The air ducts are essentially an enclosed tunnel for your home’s conditioned air to travel. As the air conditioner runs it is circulating air through the air ducts all day long. If the air ducts contain dirt and other contaminates, then it is blowing dust out and into your home. As the dust settles you now have a new layer of dust. If you have constant dust, even after you spend all that time and energy cleaning your home, turn your attention to having your air ducts cleaned. In some severe cases, you may even see a puff of dust each time your air conditioner turns on.
Allergies: Do you have a hard time breathing in your home? Do you suffer from allergies even inside your home? Another major sign that you need you air ducts cleaned is indoor allergies. Air ducts are full of dust, pollen and debris from outside and even from pests. Another major concern is if your air ducts develop mold and mildew and is spreading spores throughout your home. For those with allergies or asthma, they feel the results of spores very quickly. As the air conditioner or heater is running and circulating air through the air ducts, you are now breathing in air borne contaminates. Dirty air ducts have a major affect on your home’s air quality and those with allergies will notice chronic allergy symptoms even inside your home. Makes sure to help improve your home air quality by changing your HVAC air filters often and get your air ducts clean.
Dirty Air Filters: Do your air filters need to be changed out more often than usual, or is there a lot of dirt around your air duct vents? This is another major clue you need your air ducts cleaned. When you have a lot of dirt on your air duct vents or need to change out your air filters frequently, this is caused by excess dust. If you are dealing with a lot of dust around the vents or in your air filters, remove one of the air duct vents and look inside the ducts and see how much dust is trapped inside.
Air Duct Cleaning & More in Sherman Oaks, Valley Village, Woodland Hills & Greater Los Angeles, California
If you have any or all of these signs, it is time to have your air ducts cleaned. Green Co Carpet Cleaning provides air duct and dryer vent cleaning services. To schedule our services, contact Green Co Carpet Cleaning today.